Sunday, 11 December 2011

Editing: Potential Problems

As the graveyard and montage sections of our music video differ from the main body of our work in terms of mise-en-scene, it is therefore difficult to predict whether or not these pieces of footage will work and create the desired effect.
The Graveyeard Section
With this section, it will most likely be a continous journey to the gravestone, possibly with some lip-syncing added in between. As no shots of this location are planned to be added in the earlier part of the video, there is a possibility that this will create a lack of fluidity within the piece, which is obviously detrimental. A way to solve this would be to place clips from the location into earlier parts of the video; however, this section was designed as a different chapter with the text, rather than an integrated part that is shown throughout the piece as a whole.
A further solution to the problem, providing it occurs, would be to make this mistake seem deliberate. By emphasizing the problem to a large extent, the mistake becomes an artistic statement rather than remaining an error. A way of doing this would be to completely desaturate the section, and use a lot of contrast, which would create a dramatic, morose feel. However, we feel that this may be slightly tacky and unprofessional.
The Montage Section
We also have a similar problem with this section, although we want to show a clear difference between this part and the rest of the music video. Moreover, it is vital that the audience comprehend the meaning behind the inclusion of this section; it is a collection of memories and must be recognised as that. In order to find the correct effects, I have decided to look at other texts to understand the methods they used when showing a character's past.
The television show That's So Raven repeatedly differs from showing the present to the future, and has to be clear is highlighting the difference. In the video above, it is evident that blurring has been added to the footage, as well as an increase in brightness, contrast and saturation. Additionally, a 'hazy' effect has been added. This adjustments are inspiring for us, and gives us ideas for our own project.


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