Friday, 10 February 2012

Audience Theory: Analysis of Finished Video - Uses and Gratifications Model

The post regarding the details of the Uses and Gratifications Model can be found here.
As the model states the audience are active, we expect the effect on the audience to differ between individuals. However, we believe that the majority of the audience will use the model in similar ways.
People will most likely use the text:

  • To relate. Those who are grieving or feeling lost/isolated may be able to share a connection with our text and its narrative.
  • For pleasure. We feel our text is satisfying to watch and will therefore be used to entertain.
  • To escape. By watching our text, the audience may feel as though they have left their world and entered that of the text.
  • To compare. As our text depicts the troubles of one individual and her relationship, the audience may wish to compare their self with our protagonist, or their relationship with the one shown.
  • To inform. We feel that our text enlightens the audience to the difficulties some people experience, and the audience may therefore benefit from digesting our text.
  • To help with personal and/or social identity. Our text portrays a female character isolated and lost, yet eventually finds herself. Others may view our text to reach a similar conclusion.
The main purpose of our music video was to highlight the particular emotions of Moss portrayed through her song, and create a visual text to support and emphasize her message. As a consequence, we feel that both escapism and the informing of others are the most prominent uses of our text. However, it can also be argued that the comparison between fictional relationships, as depicted in our text, and real relationships is the biggest use as many people suffer some form of loss regarding a relationship. Thus, most people would be able to relate on some level.


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