Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Research and Development of Idea - Possible Alterations

As the weather is becoming colder and the days are shortening, we realised that we may not be able to film all the footage we need in one trip to the beach. Therefore, we decided to brainstorm some other locations we may use. The brainstorm is below.
 A deserted, vintage-looking house/room

  • This location was inspired by the setting of Birdy's 'Skinny Love' video. This location would represent the feelings of isolation shown in the song, as well as creating the vintage feel we aim to produce. This location would be difficult to find, especially in our area, meaning that the likelihood of filming at this setting is minimal.
Public Transport - a bus/train/station

  • Public transport is an interesting idea, as people often find themselves alone and isolated at the heavily populated area. I think the contrast of large groups of people and our character will highlight the message of the song and have a really strong effect on the audience of our music video. However, I do not feel as though this locations are limitless in the sense that we are able to show our characters in this location for two minutes of our song. Therefore, lip-syncing at this location may be an option.
Grassy Field - a place with crops, preferably windy

  • This idea was inspired by Rihanna's 'We Found Love' video, and the section were she is shown in a windy crop field. I thought this was effective in her music video, and would therefore seek to re-create these scenes but with our own twist. I think having the character almost camouflaged and lost within the field would reflect the song's thoughts upon losing grip on reality and stability after a traumatic event. There is a field of this kind nearby, meaning that this is possible.

A secluded, forest-like area with scattered sunlight

  • During an outing for my photography class, I discovered a large, empty space surrounded by trees. This place was quite secret, and contained colours that would look attractive on camera. I thought this would be a good location as it was so interesting and idyllic. Below is a picture of the area.

A busy, urban area - possibly London both during the day and at night

  • London would be a good location to shoot as it is a diverse and cultured setting, meaning that we would be incredibly inspired by our surroundings. Moreover, places as Camden offer quaint and quirky areas, whilst more iconic locations such as Oxford Street would make the music video more relatable. Also, having a busy area will reinforce the idea of isolation, and will mean that we will be able to capture some interesting and attention-grabbing shots.


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