Friday, 25 November 2011

Editing: Technique: Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire

As our song has a rather slow pace and we intend to use a fast style of editing, we feel it is beneficial to look at a music video that mirrors the idea we will be trying to execute. The video we are going to look at is Kings of Leon's 'Sex is on Fire'.
One thing that makes the fast editing work is the continuation of the mis-en-scene. Whilst the shots do differ in location, the overall feel and theme remains constant. This is something we will have to try and replicate in our own work. The effect of this is a fluidity in the music video and helps make the fast editing fit the theme of the video.
Furthermore, the editing is placed on the beat of the song, which doesn't make it seem out of place. As our song also has a strong beat, we will attempt to place the cuts on the beat to make it seem professional.


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