Saturday, 14 January 2012

Digipak: Outside Cover - First Draft

As our coursework requires us to create a six-sided digipak, we must also design the outside cover, thus having six sides in total.
As a group, we decided that we would use screen grabs for the three outside panels as it would show a clear link between our music video and our digipak. Below is a selection of screen grabs we took that we thought we may use.

Using the template we designed, we were able to place our screen grabs into our digipak and begin to piece our design together. Below is the first draft.
We decided to increase the contrast and saturation of the photographs, thus making them more dramatic and striking; something which will help draw the audience into our product. However, we felt that the design was consequently too bold and was not congruous to our music video. We then applied fill layers with a low opacity to soften the images and make them appear less overwhelming.
After looking at the design as a group, we decided that the panel on the right was the weakest and did not fit the idea we were aiming for. We then brainstormed some ideas for the front cover. Below is the brainstorm. (We are still undecided regarding the choosing of an idea).


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