Thursday, 20 October 2011

Editing - Testing Our Technique

In Final Cut Express, I decided to experiment editing a piece of random footage I had from when I filmed the focus group. I wanted to make the clip to look quite old and vintage, as it would be a memory; the practising in this type of editing is for the montage section of our music video. Below is the edited clip.
I do not think this attempt was successful, as the colours in the video did not look how I wanted them to. To get the desired effect, a yellow or orange tint should have been visible. However, as my Final Cut Express skills are limited, I have decided that I will use Final Cut Express to export the video as a Quick Time Movie, and then open it with Adobe Photoshop. My Photoshop skills are quite developed, meaning that it will be easier for me to get the desired effect. I will then save the video and place it back into Final Cut Express. This will be a more time-consuming process, but I feel this will be beneficial to our project. I will be trying this method out in the next few weeks, and then comparing the differences.


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