What is The Effects Model?
- The Effects Model believes that the consumption of media texts have an influence upon the audience.
- It is generally considered that the effect of these media texts are negative.
- Audiences are viewed as passive and powerless to prevent the influence.
- The model is also referred to as the Hypodermic Model.
- Here, the messages in media texts are injected into the minds of the audience by the 'syringe-like' media.
- As the audience are powerless, the media works like a drug, intoxicating the audience who are now addicted.
- In the 1920s and 30s, the Frankfurt School theorised that the mass media acted to restrict and control audiences to the benefit of corporate capitalism and governments.
- The Bobo Doll Experiment created by Albert Bandura in 1961showed that 88% of children tested imitated the violent behaviour shown to them, and 40% reproduced the same behaviour 8 months after the initial experiment.
- The film Child's Play 3 was held responsible for provoking two children into murdering of James Bulger in 1993.
- The game Manhunt was blamed for Warren LeBlanc murder of Stefan Pakeerah in 2004.
- The film A Clockwork Orange was viewed as provoking rape and violent attacks in 1971.
- The film Severance was perceived as the inspiration of Simon Everitt's murder in 2006.
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