Thursday, 6 October 2011

Audience Theory - The Effects Model

In order to analysis our final product in the most useful way possible, we must look at it from several points of view. One of these is in terms of The Effects Model, which is a theory relating to how audiences interpret and are effected by our music video.
What is The Effects Model?

  • The Effects Model believes that the consumption of media texts have an influence upon the audience.
  • It is generally considered that the effect of these media texts are negative.
  • Audiences are viewed as passive and powerless to prevent the influence.
  • The model is also referred to as the Hypodermic Model.
  • Here, the messages in media texts are injected into the minds of the audience by the 'syringe-like' media.
  • As the audience are powerless, the media works like a drug, intoxicating the audience who are now addicted.
Is there any evidence for this model?
  • In the 1920s and 30s, the Frankfurt School theorised that the mass media acted to restrict and control audiences to the benefit of corporate capitalism and governments.
  • The Bobo Doll Experiment created by Albert Bandura in 1961showed that 88% of children tested imitated the violent behaviour shown to them, and 40% reproduced the same behaviour 8 months after the initial experiment.
      • The film Child's Play 3 was held responsible for provoking two children into murdering of James Bulger in 1993.
      • The game Manhunt was blamed for Warren LeBlanc murder of Stefan Pakeerah in 2004.
      • The film A Clockwork Orange was viewed as provoking rape and violent attacks in 1971.
      • The film Severance was perceived as the inspiration of Simon Everitt's murder in 2006.


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